Gap Year in Central America

Cancun beach

Central America is one of the most underrated gap year destinations in the world. When looking to plan a trip to the Americas most people generally consider going to South or North America, but if you’ll regret not going to Central America. This region has history, ancient temples, exotic wildlife, beaches and so much more.

Best Gap Year Programs in Central America

Global Work and Travel Spanish in Costa Rica

Epic Centra America Tour

• 45 days, 7 countries
• Price from £3,329

Caribbean Encounter

• 10 days, 3 countries
• Price from £1,972


Popular countries to visit include: · Costa Rica · Belize · Guatemala · Honduras · Mexico · Nicaragua · Panama · El Salvador

Central America Gap Year Ideas

If you have never been to Central America before the prospect of travelling here can be daunting – you hear those rumours and stories and it’s enough to put anyone off. However, the actual reality of it couldn’t be further away from the truth, with nearly ten million tourists visiting the vast region every year, experiencing epic landscapes, adrenaline-pumping activities and thriving cosmopolitan cities.

Would you like to give back and do something worthwhile on your gap year? Find amazing volunteering projects throughout the region. There are so many incredible programs, from helping animals and working at wildlife sanctuaries, teaching English, or just backpacking and exploring the best locations.

You could book classes to learn Spanish, there are schools located throughout the region. There are also lots of adventure trips and activities available including going scuba diving – the islands in this region are spectacular and some of the best places in the world to go diving.

Planning a trip to this region is great way to gain new experiences and skill sets while learning much more about the world and the people and cultures that inhabit it. Whether you fancy volunteering or an adventure travel experience, having a break here will allow you to see the world with fresh eyes and to realise what is valued in your own life.

If Central America appeals, you might like to view South America gap year programs.