Building & Construction Volunteer Projects Abroad


Whether you’re in the process of planning your gap year or just want to do something meaningful, becoming an international volunteer is something well worth considering. Among your options is the extremely rewarding opportunity to build homes for local communities – and you can discover the top places to do so with our guide.

There really is nothing like getting your hands dirty and build something out of nothing and see the smiles of the people you are helping. Whether it’s a new school, house, hospital or community building, construction volunteer projects change the face of the communities they serve in a sustainable way.

While assisting communities with their developments, you’ll gain valuable experiences and cultural exchanges with local people.

Where to Help

Not sure where to go? There is a wealth of beautiful, exciting destinations to volunteer in.

Most projects have a minimum of just one or two weeks spent with them and different maximums – many lasting several months – so you can choose just how long you want to stay for. This means that, if you are planning to travel for a few months rather than a full year, you can adjust the time you spend volunteering accordingly.

It is a wonderful chance to both really get under the skin of wherever you are visiting, and to see exciting new places that many other travellers miss. So, just where are the top places to volunteer to build homes? We recommend volunteering in Africa, Asia or South America – there are building and construction projects running all year round in these destinations.

What to Expect

Participating in volunteer building projects will provide you with the opportunity to construct and repair structures that provide crucial services to locals.

This could be anything from a school to an orphanage, but no matter what it is you can be confident that you’ll be building something of value in the community that will help to bring local people together and be appreciated by all those that use it. From digging foundations and painting walls to clearing debris and installing toilets, there’s plenty of opportunity to get your hands dirty and while there should be lots of variety in the work, it is important to remember that the particular activities you do will depend on what is needed the most at that given time.

Of course, if you have experience of working in construction and/or hold any specialist trade qualifications, this can be the ideal way to use your skills to help those in need. However, don’t worry if this isn’t the case. As long as you have a positive attitude and are willing to get stuck in, you’ll be fine.

If you’re looking to take part in construction projects, you should remember that you will also have a significant proportion of free time to relax and explore more of this stunning country. Typically, you will work from Monday to Thursday, leaving you with long weekends to get out and about.