Gap Year in Cuba

Veradero beach, Cuba

The beautiful Caribbean island of Cuba is known for its tropical climate, mountainous landscape, white sandy beaches and world famous tobacco. Be the first of your friends to explore Cuba.

Best Cuba Gap Year Programs

Highlights of Cuba

• 6 days
• Price from £449

Cuba Explorer

• 9 days
• Price from £1,099

Cuba Gap Year Ideas

Cuba extends 750 miles and is a beautiful mix of mountain ranges and plains. There are over 200 bays and 289 sun drenched beaches to explore. The main ports are located in the provinces of Cienfuegos, Havana, Manzanillo, Mariel, Matanzas, Nuevitas and Santiago de Cuba.

The mountain ranges include the Sierra Maestra to the East, the Cordillera de los Organos to the West, and the Sierra del Escambray in the central region.

The capital of Havana is vibrant, cultural and full of historical treasures. In this city, past and present uniquely coexist; vintage cars line the cobbled streets, breath-taking colonial architecture surrounds you, lively rumba music playing on street corners and friendly locals are abundant.

Havana is full of the famous Cuban vibe. Beautiful old faded colonial buildings line the streets here giving it a unique presence and one that is full of culture. Wander down the old fashioned streets and admire the grand old buildings. Don’t forget to catch a famous salsa night whilst here either.

Top Tip: Head to Bodeguita del Medio in Old Havana (alleged to be one of Hemingway’s favorite haunts) for a refreshing mojito!

Cuba Travel Guide

Cuba has no plants or animals that are lethal to humans and the crime rates are very low especially with tourists.

We recommend trying to learn basic Spanish before arriving, this will make everything easier and not many local people speak English.