Teach English in South America

Rio de Janeiro

Many people would argue that English drives the world today. From businessmen in the Middle East to hoteliers in Asia, (and let’s not forget beach bums from around the world who want to use English to flirt with tourists!) everyone wants to learn this international language of currency. And you know what that means? This desire to learn the lingo has given rise to huge demand for English teachers worldwide!

But that doesn’t mean you have to be a woolly jumpered, spectacled professor with 20 years of school-teaching behind him. Not at all. You can be a young traveller or individual looking for a career break keen to live, work, and get paid in an exotic location! All you really need is a TEFL certificate. View our guide to getting teaching work on the vast continent of South America!

Best Teach Abroad Programs in South America

Teach English in Buenos Aires

• 1-12 months
• Price from £2,195

TEFL Certification Course in Buenos Aires

• 4 weeks
• Price from $2095

Teaching Jobs in South America

Latin America is an extremely large area and the TEFL market varies from country to country. With the major exception of Brazil where Portuguese is spoken, Spanish is the main language of most of the countries there although English is spoken in Belize and Guyana, French in French Guiana and Dutch in Suriname.

The best market in Spanish speaking Latin America is Ecuador. Argentina and Colombia also have good markets but they also have a lot of sociopolitical unrest as well as economic instability. If a desire to be in a Spanish speaking country is not a motivator, then Brazil is a good place to consider as the TEFL market there is one of the best in Latin America.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Uruguay probably has the least opportunity in Latin America. Wages at most schools in Latin American countries are not high but are enough to live on. Health care costs are low but private insurance is recommended.

In South America the school year begins around March. So, schools in South America may be closed for their summer vacation in December and January.

Best Places to Teach in South America

Jobs can be found just about anywhere that there is a need to learn English. Just about every non-English speaking country in South America is looking for native English speaking teachers, so you have a lot of options.

The most popular counties to work include: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Other places you can also find work which are slightly off the beaten track include: Venezuela, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname, Falkland Islands, French Guiana and Uruguay.

Guide to Teaching in South America

Qualifications can vary depending not he employer, but for the most part, you don’t need much training to teach English abroad – if you can read this guide, you’re half way there. Taking a TEFL course will really boost your employment prospects.

Some employers might also require a Bachelors degree, but almost any field is acceptable. Often times you can just show up, and find a job, although the market is changing all the time, and we’d recommend a bit of planning before you hit the road looking for work abroad.

Do I Need to Speak another Language?
No, EFL teachers do not have to speak the language of the country they teach in but it is recommend to learn at least the basics. This will also boost your employment prospects and make living abroad easier. Browse language schools in South America for classes.

In some cases, you can make pretty good money, but don’t plan on getting rich by teaching in South America. You should be able to afford a comfortable lifestyle while you are there, but you probably won’t take much home.

You might consider spending your extra cash on traveling to neighbouring cities and countries. Not only will you get a fun break from your teaching schedule, but you will gain a better understanding of the culture and the language of your host country.

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